use Test::More; package # Hide from PAUSE Test::DBO; use 5.008; use strict; use warnings; use sigtrap qw(die normal-signals); use Scalar::Util qw(blessed reftype); use Test::More; use DBIx::DBO; BEGIN { require Carp::Heavy if eval "$Carp::VERSION < 1.12"; # If we are using a version of Test::More older than 0.82 ... unless (exists $Test::More::{note}) { eval q# sub Test::More::note { local $Test::Builder::{_print_diag} = $Test::Builder::{_print}; Test::More->builder->diag(@_); } *note = \&Test::More::note; no strict 'refs'; *{caller(2).'::note'} = \¬e; #; die $@ if $@; } # Set up DebugSQL if requested if ($ENV{DBO_DEBUG_SQL}) { diag "DBO_DEBUG_SQL=$ENV{DBO_DEBUG_SQL}"; DBIx::DBO->config(DebugSQL => $ENV{DBO_DEBUG_SQL}); } # Set up $Carp::Verbose if requested if ($ENV{DBO_CARP_VERBOSE}) { diag "DBO_CARP_VERBOSE=$ENV{DBO_CARP_VERBOSE}"; $Carp::Verbose = $ENV{DBO_CARP_VERBOSE}; } elsif ($ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING}) { $Carp::Verbose = 1; } # Store the last SQL executed, and show debug info DBIx::DBO->config(HookSQL => sub { my $me = shift; my $loc = Carp::short_error_loc(); my %i = Carp::caller_info($loc); $me->config(LastSQL => [$i{'sub'}, @_]); my $dbg = $ENV{DBO_DEBUG_SQL} or return; my $trace; if ($dbg > 1) { $trace = "\t$i{sub_name} called at $i{file} line $i{line}\n"; $trace .= "\t$i{sub_name} called at $i{file} line $i{line}\n" while %i = Carp::caller_info(++$loc); } else { $trace = "\t$i{sub} called at $i{file} line $i{line}\n"; } my $sql = shift; Test::More::diag "DEBUG_SQL: $sql\nDEBUG_SQL: (".join(', ', map $me->rdbh->quote($_), @_).")\n".$trace; }); { no warnings 'redefine'; # Remove CARP_NOT during tests package # Hide from PAUSE DBIx::DBO; *DBIx::DBO::croak = *DBIx::DBO::Query::croak = *DBIx::DBO::Table::croak = *DBIx::DBO::Row::croak = sub { local @DBIx::DBO::DBD::CARP_NOT = () if $Carp::Verbose; local $Carp::CarpLevel = $Carp::CarpLevel + 1 if $Carp::Verbose; &Carp::croak; }; # Fix SvREFCNT with Devel::Cover package # Hide from PAUSE DBIx::DBO::Query; *DBIx::DBO::Query::SvREFCNT = sub { return Devel::Peek::SvREFCNT($_[0]) - 1; } if exists $INC{'Devel/'}; } } our $dbd; our $dbd_name; (our $test_db = "DBO_${DBIx::DBO::VERSION}_test_db") =~ s/\W/_/g; (our $test_sch = "DBO_${DBIx::DBO::VERSION}_test_sch") =~ s/\W/_/g; (our $test_tbl = "DBO_${DBIx::DBO::VERSION}_test_tbl") =~ s/\W/_/g; our @_cleanup_sql; our $case_sensitivity_sql = 'SELECT ? LIKE ?'; our %can; sub import { my $class = shift; $dbd = shift or return; $dbd_name = shift; my %opt = splice @_; grep $_ eq $dbd, DBI->available_drivers or plan skip_all => "No $dbd driver available!"; # Catch install_driver errors eval { DBI->install_driver($dbd) }; if ($@) { die $@ if $@ !~ /\binstall_driver\b/; plan skip_all => $@; } # Skip tests with missing module requirements unless (eval { DBIx::DBO::DBD->_require_dbd_class($dbd) }) { if ($@ =~ /^Can't locate ([\w\/]+)\.pm in \@INC /m) { # Module is not installed ($_ = "$1 is required") =~ s'/'::'g; } elsif ($@ =~ /^([\w:]+ version [\d\.]+ required.*?) at /m) { # Module is not correct version ($_ = $1); } elsif ($@ =~ /^(\Q$dbd_name\E is not yet supported)/m) { # DBM is not yet supported ($_ = $1); } else { die $@; } plan skip_all => "Can't load $dbd driver: $_"; } { no strict 'refs'; *{caller().'::sql_err'} = \&sql_err; } if (exists $opt{tempdir}) { require File::Temp; my $dir = File::Temp::tempdir('tmp_XXXX', CLEANUP => 1); if (ref $opt{tempdir}) { ${$opt{tempdir}} = $dir; } else { chdir $dir or die "Can't cd to $dir: $!\n"; eval "END { chdir '..' }"; } } # Query tests must produce the same result regardless of caching DBIx::DBO->config(CacheQuery => defined $ENV{DBO_CACHE_QUERY} ? $ENV{DBO_CACHE_QUERY} : int rand 2); if (exists $opt{try_connect}) { try_to_connect($opt{try_connect}); } note "DBD::$dbd ".${ $::DBD::{$dbd.'::'}{VERSION} } if exists $opt{try_connect} or exists $opt{connect_ok}; return unless exists $opt{tests}; if (exists $opt{connect_ok}) { my $dbo = connect_ok(@{$opt{connect_ok}}) or plan skip_all => "Can't connect: $DBI::errstr"; plan tests => $opt{tests}; pass "Connect to $dbd_name"; isa_ok $dbo, 'DBIx::DBO', '$dbo'; } else { plan tests => $opt{tests}; } } sub sql_err { my $me = shift; my($cmd, $sql, @bind) = @{$me->config('LastSQL')}; $sql =~ s/^/ /mg; my @err = ($DBI::errstr || $me->rdbh->errstr || '???'); unshift @err, 'Bind Values: ('.join(', ', map $me->rdbh->quote($_), @bind).')' if @bind; unshift @err, "SQL command failed: $cmd", $sql.';'; $err[-1] =~ s/ at line \d+$//; join "\n", @err; } sub connect_dbo { my($dsn, $user, $pass) = @_; defined $dsn or $dsn = ''; DBIx::DBO->connect("DBI:$dbd:$dsn", $user, $pass, {RaiseError => 0}); } sub try_to_connect { my $dbo_ref = shift; my @env = map $ENV{"DBO_TEST_\U$dbd\E_$_"}, qw(DSN USER PASS); if (grep defined, @env) { return $$dbo_ref if $$dbo_ref = connect_dbo(@env); plan skip_all => "Can't connect: $DBI::errstr"; } return undef; } sub connect_ok { my $dbo_ref = shift; return try_to_connect($dbo_ref) || ($$dbo_ref = connect_dbo(@_)); } sub basic_methods { my $dbo = shift; note 'Testing with: CacheQuery => '.DBIx::DBO->config('CacheQuery'); # Create a DBO from DBI handles isa_ok(DBIx::DBO->new($dbo->{dbh}, $dbo->{rdbh}), 'DBIx::DBO', 'Method DBIx::DBO->new, $dbo'); my $quoted_table = $dbo->{dbd_class}->_qi($dbo, $test_sch, $test_tbl); my @quoted_cols = map $dbo->{dbd_class}->_qi($dbo, $_), qw(type id name); my $t; my $create_table = "CREATE TABLE $quoted_table ($quoted_cols[1] ". ($can{auto_increment_id} || 'INT NOT NULL').", $quoted_cols[2] VARCHAR(20)". ($can{auto_increment_id} ? '' : ", PRIMARY KEY ($quoted_cols[1])").')'; # Create a test table with a multi-column primary key if ($dbo->do("CREATE TABLE $quoted_table ($quoted_cols[2] VARCHAR(20), $quoted_cols[1] INT, $quoted_cols[0] VARCHAR(8), PRIMARY KEY ($quoted_cols[0], $quoted_cols[1]))")) { pass 'Create the test table: '.$quoted_table; # Create a table object $t = $dbo->table([undef, $test_tbl]); isa_ok $t, 'DBIx::DBO::Table', '$t'; # Check the Primary Keys is_deeply $t->{PrimaryKeys}, ['type', 'id'], 'Check PrimaryKeys' or diag Test::DBO::Dump($t); # Recreate our test table $dbo->do("DROP TABLE $quoted_table") && $dbo->do($create_table) or diag sql_err($dbo) or die "Can't recreate the test table!\n"; # Remove the created table during cleanup todo_cleanup("DROP TABLE $quoted_table"); $dbo->{dbd_class}->_get_table_info($dbo, $t->{Schema}, $t->{Name}); $t = $t->new($dbo, [$test_sch, $test_tbl]); } else { diag sql_err($dbo); SKIP: { skip "Can't create a multi-column primary key", 1; } # Create the test table ok $dbo->do($create_table), 'Create the test table' or diag sql_err($dbo) or die "Can't create the test table!\n"; # Remove the created table during cleanup todo_cleanup("DROP TABLE $quoted_table"); # Create a table object $t = $dbo->table([$test_sch, $test_tbl]); isa_ok $t, 'DBIx::DBO::Table', '$t'; } die "Couldn't create the DBIx::DBO::Table object!" unless $t; is $t->dbo, $dbo, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Table->dbo'; pass 'Method DBIx::DBO->do'; ok my $table_info = $dbo->table_info([$test_sch, $test_tbl]), 'Method DBIx::DBO->table_info'; is $table_info, $dbo->table_info($quoted_table), 'Method DBIx::DBO->table_info (quoted)'; is $table_info, $dbo->table_info(defined $test_sch ? "$test_sch.$test_tbl" : $test_tbl), 'Method DBIx::DBO->table_info (unquoted)'; # Insert data $dbo->do("INSERT INTO $quoted_table VALUES (1, 'John Doe')") or diag sql_err($dbo); $dbo->do("INSERT INTO $quoted_table VALUES (?, ?)", undef, 2, 'Jane Smith') or diag sql_err($dbo); # Check the DBO select* methods my $rv = []; @$rv = $dbo->selectrow_array("SELECT * FROM $quoted_table") or diag sql_err($dbo); is_deeply $rv, [1,'John Doe'], 'Method DBIx::DBO->selectrow_array'; $rv = $dbo->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT * FROM $quoted_table") or diag sql_err($dbo); is_deeply $rv, [1,'John Doe'], 'Method DBIx::DBO->selectrow_arrayref'; $rv = $dbo->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM $quoted_table") or diag sql_err($dbo); is_deeply $rv, [[1,'John Doe'],[2,'Jane Smith']], 'Method DBIx::DBO->selectall_arrayref'; # Insert via table object $rv = $t->insert(id => 3, name => 'Uncle Arnie') or diag sql_err($t); ok $rv, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Table->insert'; is_deeply [$t->columns], [qw(id name)], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Table->columns'; # Create a column object my $c = $t->column('id'); isa_ok $c, 'DBIx::DBO::Column', '$c'; # Fetch one value from the Table is $t->fetch_value($t ** 'name', id => 3), 'Uncle Arnie', 'Method DBIx::DBO::Table->fetch_value'; # Fetch one value from the Table is_deeply $t->fetch_hash(id => \3), {id=>3,name=>'Uncle Arnie'}, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Table->fetch_hash'; # Fetch one value from the Table my $r = $t->fetch_row(id => 3, name => \'NOT NULL'); is $r->{name}, 'Uncle Arnie', 'Method DBIx::DBO::Table->fetch_row'; # Fetch a column arrayref from the Table is_deeply $t->fetch_column($t ** 'name', id => 3), ['Uncle Arnie'], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Table->fetch_column'; # Advanced insert using a column object $rv = $t->insert($c => {FUNC => '4'}, name => 'NotUsed', name => \"'James Bond'") or diag sql_err($t); ok $rv, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Table->insert (complex values)'; is $t->fetch_value('name', id => 4), 'James Bond', 'Method DBIx::DBO::Table->insert (remove duplicate cols)'; # Delete via table object $rv = $t->delete(id => 3) or diag sql_err($t); is $rv, 1, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Table->delete'; if ($can{auto_increment_id}) { $t->insert(name => 'Vernon Lyon') or diag sql_err($t); } else { $t->insert(id => 5, name => 'Vernon Lyon') or diag sql_err($t); } SKIP: { skip "No auto-increment $quoted_cols[1] column", 1 unless $can{auto_increment_id}; is $t->last_insert_id, 5, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Table->last_insert_id' or $t->delete(name => 'Vernon Lyon'), $t->insert(id => 5, name => 'Vernon Lyon'); } my $bulk_data = $dbo->query($t)->arrayref({ Slice => {} }); SKIP: { unless ($can{truncate}) { $t->delete or diag sql_err($t); skip 'TRUNCATE TABLE is not supported', 1; } $t->truncate or diag sql_err($t); is $t->fetch_value('id'), undef, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Table->truncate'; } # Bulk insert $rv = $t->bulk_insert(rows => [map [@$_{qw(id name)}], @$bulk_data]) or diag sql_err($t); is $rv, 4, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Table->bulk_insert (ARRAY)'; $t->delete or diag sql_err($t); $rv = $t->bulk_insert(rows => \@$bulk_data) or diag sql_err($t); is $rv, 4, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Table->bulk_insert (HASH)'; $t->delete or diag sql_err($t); $rv = $t->bulk_insert(columns => [qw(name id)], rows => [map [@$_{qw(name id)}], @$bulk_data]) or diag sql_err($t); is $rv, 4, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Table->bulk_insert (ARRAY)'; $t->delete or diag sql_err($t); $rv = $t->bulk_insert(columns => [qw(name id)], rows => \@$bulk_data) or diag sql_err($t); is $rv, 4, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Table->bulk_insert (HASH)'; return $t; } sub advanced_table_methods { my $dbo = shift; my $t = shift; SKIP: { skip "No test table for advanced table tests", 2 unless $t; # Advanced insert my $rv = $t->insert(id => { FUNC => '? + 3', VAL => 3 }, name => \"'Harry Harrelson'") or diag sql_err($t); ok $rv, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Table->insert (advanced)'; $t->insert(id => 7, name => 'Amanda Huggenkiss') or diag sql_err($t); $t->insert(id => 8, name => undef) or diag sql_err($t); # Advanced delete $rv = $t->delete(id => \'NOT NULL', name => undef) or diag sql_err($t); ok $rv, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Table->delete (advanced)'; } } sub skip_advanced_table_methods { my $dbo = shift; my $t = shift; note "No advanced table tests for $dbd_name"; $t->insert(id => 6, name => 'Harry Harrelson') or diag sql_err($t); $t->insert(id => 7, name => 'Amanda Huggenkiss') or diag sql_err($t); } sub row_methods { my $dbo = shift; my $t = shift; my $r = DBIx::DBO::Row->new($dbo, $t->_from); isa_ok $r, 'DBIx::DBO::Row', '$r (using quoted table name)'; $r = $dbo->row([ @$t{qw(Schema Name)} ]); isa_ok $r, 'DBIx::DBO::Row', '$r (using table name array)'; $r = $dbo->row($t); isa_ok $r, 'DBIx::DBO::Row', '$r (using Table object)'; is $r->dbo, $dbo, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Row->dbo'; ok $r->is_empty, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Row->is_empty'; is_deeply [$r->columns], [qw(id name)], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Row->columns'; ok $r->load(id => [2, 3], name => 'Jane Smith'), 'Method DBIx::DBO::Row->load' or diag sql_err($r); is_deeply $$r->{array}, [ 2, 'Jane Smith' ], 'Row loaded correctly'; # Access methods is $r->[1], 'Jane Smith', 'Access row as an arrayref'; is $r->{name}, 'Jane Smith', 'Access row as a hashref'; is $r->value('name'), 'Jane Smith', 'Method DBIx::DBO::Row->value'; is $r->value($t->column('name')), 'Jane Smith', 'Method DBIx::DBO::Row->value (using Table->column)'; is $r->update(name => 'Someone Else'), 1, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Row->update' or diag sql_err($r); is_deeply \@$r, [ 2, 'Someone Else' ], 'Row updated correctly (internal)' or diag Test::DBO::Dump($r); $r->load(id => 2) or diag sql_err($r); is_deeply \@$r, [ 2, 'Someone Else' ], 'Row updated correctly (external)' or diag Test::DBO::Dump($r); $r->update(name => 'Nobody', $t ** 'name' => 'Anybody') or diag sql_err($r); is_deeply \@{$r->load(id => 2)}, [ 2, 'Anybody' ], 'Row update removes duplicates' or diag sql_err($r); # UPDATE the primary key and a complex expression, requiring a reload $r->config(OnRowUpdate => 'reload'); $r->update(id => 3, name => \"'Uncle Arnie'") or diag sql_err($r); ok !$r->is_empty, 'Row reloaded on update' or $r->load(id => [2, 3]) or diag sql_err($r); ok $r->delete, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Row->delete' or diag sql_err($r); $t->insert(id => 2, name => 'Jane Smith'); is $r->load(name => 'non-existent'), undef, 'Load non-existent row'; is_deeply $$r->{array}, undef, 'Row is empty again'; } sub query_methods { my $dbo = shift; my $t = shift; my $quoted_table = $t->_from; # Create a query object my $q = $dbo->query($t); isa_ok $q, 'DBIx::DBO::Query', '$q'; is $q->dbo, $dbo, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->dbo'; # Default sql = select everything is_deeply [$q->columns], [qw(id name)], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->columns'; my $sql = $q->sql; is $sql, "SELECT * FROM $quoted_table", 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->sql'; # Sort the result $q->order_by('id'); pass 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->order_by'; # Get a valid sth isa_ok $q->_sth, 'DBI::st', '$q->_sth' or diag "SQL command failed: _sth\n $q->{sql}\n".$q->rdbh->errstr; # Get a Row object my $r = $q->row; isa_ok $r, 'DBIx::DBO::Row', '$q->row'; my $r_str = "$r"; $q->config(Testing => 123); is $r->config('Testing'), 123, 'Row gets config from parent Query'; # Alter the SQL to ensure the row is detached and rebuilt $q->order_by('id'); $r = $q->row; isnt $r_str, "$r", 'Row rebuilds SQL and detaches when a ref still exists'; $r_str = "$r"; # Remove the reference so that the row wont detach undef $r; # Fetch the first row $r = $q->fetch; ok $r->isa('DBIx::DBO::Row'), 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->fetch'; is $r_str, "$r", 'Re-use the same row object'; is_deeply [$q->columns], [qw(id name)], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->columns (after fetch)'; # Fetch another row $r_str = "$r"; $r = $q->fetch; isnt $r_str, "$r", 'Row detaches during fetch when a ref still exists'; # Re-run the query $q->run or diag sql_err($q); is $q->fetch->{name}, 'John Doe', 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->run'; $q->finish; is $q->fetch->{name}, 'John Doe', 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->finish'; # Count the number of rows 1 while $q->fetch; is $q->rows, 6, 'Row count is 6'; # WHERE clause ok $q->where('name', 'LIKE', \"'%o%'"), 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->where' or diag sql_err($q); # Parentheses $q->open_bracket('OR'); $q->where('name', 'LIKE', \"'%a%'"); $q->where('id', '!=', \1); $q->where('id', '=', undef); $q->open_bracket('AND'); $q->where('id', '<>', 12345); $q->where('id', '!=', undef); $q->where('id', 'NOT IN', [1,22,333]); $q->where('id', 'NOT BETWEEN', [123,456]); my $got = $q->col_arrayref({ Columns => [1] }); is_deeply $got, [4,5,6], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->open_bracket' or diag sql_err($q); $q->where('id', 'NOT IN', 4444); ok scalar(() = $q->sql =~ / NOT IN /g) == 1, 'Group multiple IN & NOT IN clauses together'; $q->order_by; is $q->update(id => { FUNC => '? + 10', COL => 'id' }), 3, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->update' or diag sql_err($q); $q->order_by('id'); my $old_sql = $q->sql; $q->unwhere('name'); is $q->sql, $old_sql, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->unwhere (before close_bracket)'; $q->close_bracket; $q->close_bracket; $q->unwhere('name'); isnt $q->sql, $old_sql, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->close_bracket'; $got = $q->col_arrayref({ Columns => [1] }); is_deeply $got, [2,7,14,15,16], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->unwhere'; # Reset the Query $q->reset; is $q->sql, $dbo->query($t)->sql, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->reset'; # Group by the first initial $q->show(\'COUNT(*)'); ok(($q->group_by({FUNC => 'SUBSTR(?, 1, 1)', COL => 'name'}), $q->run), 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->group_by') or diag sql_err($q); # Update & Load a Row with aliased columns $q->show($t, {COL => 'id', AS => 'key'}); $q->group_by; is_deeply [$q->columns], [qw(id name key)], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->columns (with aliases)'; $r = $q->fetch; is_deeply [$q->columns], [qw(id name key)], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->columns (after fetch)'; ok $r->update(id => $r->{key}), 'Can update a Row despite using aliases' or diag sql_err($r); ok $r->load(id => 15), 'Can load a Row despite using aliases' or diag sql_err($r); isa_ok $q ** 'key', 'DBIx::DBO::Column', q{$q ** $alias}; # Limit & limit with Offset $q->show('id'); $q->order_by('id'); $q->limit(3); $got = []; for (my $row; $row = $q->fetch; push @$got, $row->[0]) {} is_deeply $got, [1,2,7], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->limit'; $q->limit(3, 2); $got = []; for (my $row; $row = $q->fetch; push @$got, $row->[0]) {} is_deeply $got, [7,14,15], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->limit (with offset)'; $q->finish; return $q; } sub advanced_query_methods { my $dbo = shift; my $t = shift; my $q = shift; $q->reset; # Show specific columns only SKIP: { skip 'COLLATE is not supported', 1 unless $can{collate}; $q->order_by({ COL => 'name', COLLATE => $can{collate} }); ok $q->run, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->order_by COLLATE' or diag sql_err($q); } $q->order_by('id'); $q->show({ FUNC => 'UPPER(?)', COL => 'name', AS => 'name' }, 'id', 'name'); ok $q->run && $q->fetch->{name} eq 'JOHN DOE', 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->show' or diag sql_err($q); is $q->row->value($t ** 'name'), 'John Doe', 'Access specific column'; is_deeply [$q->row->columns], [qw(name id name)], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Row->columns (aliased)'; is_deeply [$q->columns], [qw(name id name)], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->columns (aliased)'; # Show whole tables $q->show({ FUNC => "'who?'", AS => 'name' }, $t); is $q->fetch->value($t ** 'name'), 'John Doe', 'Access specific column from a shown table'; # Check case sensitivity of LIKE my $case_sensitive = $dbo->selectrow_arrayref($case_sensitivity_sql, undef, 'a', 'A') or diag sql_err($dbo); $case_sensitive = not $case_sensitive->[0]; note "$dbd_name 'LIKE' is".($case_sensitive ? '' : ' NOT').' case sensitive'; # WHERE clause $q->show('id'); ok $q->where('name', 'LIKE', '%a%'), 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->where LIKE'; my $a = $q->col_arrayref or diag sql_err($q); is_deeply $a, [2,7,14,16], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->col_arrayref'; ok $q->where('id', 'BETWEEN', [6, \16]), 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->where BETWEEN'; $a = $q->arrayref or diag sql_err($q); is_deeply $a, [[7],[14],[16]], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->arrayref'; ok $q->where('name', 'IN', ['Harry Harrelson', 'James Bond']), 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->where IN'; $a = $q->hashref('id') or diag sql_err($q); is_deeply $a, {14 => {id => 14},16 => {id => 16}}, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->hashref'; # HAVING clause my $concat = $dbd eq 'SQLite' ? '? || ?' : 'CONCAT(?, ?)'; my %concat_col = (FUNC => $concat, COL => [qw(id name)]); my $having_col = $dbo->{dbd_class}->_alias_preference($q, 'having') ? 'combo' : \%concat_col; $q->show('id', 'name', { %concat_col, AS => 'combo'}); $q->group_by('id', 'name'); $q->having($having_col, '=', '14James Bond'); $q->having($having_col, '=', 'ABC-XYZ'); $q->having($having_col, '=', 'XYZ-ABC'); is_deeply [@{$q->fetch}], [14, 'James Bond', '14James Bond'], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->having'; $q->unhaving($having_col, '=', '14James Bond'); is $q->fetch, undef, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->unhaving'; $q->unhaving($having_col); is_deeply [@{$q->fetch}], [14, 'James Bond', '14James Bond'], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->unhaving (whole column)'; $q->finish; } sub skip_advanced_query_methods { note "No advanced query tests for $dbd_name"; } sub join_methods { my $dbo = shift; my $table = shift; my($q, $t1, $t2) = $dbo->query($table, $table); # DISTINCT clause $q->order_by('id'); $q->show('id'); $q->distinct(1); is_deeply $q->arrayref, [[1],[2],[7],[14],[15],[16]], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->distinct'; $q->distinct(0); $q->show($t1, $t2); # Counting rows $q->limit(3); $q->config(CalcFoundRows => 1); ok $q, 'Comma JOIN'; is $q->count_rows, 3, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->count_rows' or diag sql_err($q); is $q->found_rows, 36, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->found_rows' or diag sql_err($q); # JOIN $q->join_on($t2, $t1 ** 'id', '=', { FUNC => '?/7.0', VAL => $t2 ** 'id' }); $q->order_by({ COL => $t1 ** 'name', ORDER => 'DESC' }); $q->where($t1 ** 'name', '<', $t2 ** 'name', FORCE => 'OR'); $q->where($t1 ** 'name', '>', $t2 ** 'name', FORCE => 'OR'); $q->where($t1 ** 'name', 'LIKE', '%'); my $r; # Oracle Can't do a SELECT * from a subquery that has "ambiguous" columns (two columns with the same name) $q->show() if $dbd eq 'Oracle'; SKIP: { $q->run or fail 'JOIN ON' or diag sql_err($q) or skip 'No Left Join', 1; $r = $q->fetch or fail 'JOIN ON' or skip 'No Left Join', 1; is_deeply \@$r, [ 1, 'John Doe', 7, 'Amanda Huggenkiss' ], 'JOIN ON'; $r->load($t1 ** id => 2) or diag sql_err($r); is_deeply \@$r, [ 2, 'Jane Smith', 14, 'James Bond' ], 'Method DBIx::DBO::Row->load'; } # LEFT JOIN ($q, $t1) = $dbo->query($table); # ... "t1" LEFT JOIN ... "t2" $t2 = $q->join_table($table, 'left'); # ... "t1" LEFT JOIN ... "t2" ON "t1"."id" = "t2"."id"/2.0 $q->join_on($t2, $t1 ** 'id', '=', { FUNC => '?/2.0', COL => $t2 ** 'id' }); ok $q->open_join_on_bracket($t2, 'OR'), 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->open_join_on_bracket'; # ... "t1" LEFT JOIN ... "t2" ON "t1"."id" = "t2"."id"/2.0 AND 1 = 2 $q->join_on($t2, \1, '=', \2); # ... "t1" LEFT JOIN ... "t2" ON "t1"."id" = "t2"."id"/2.0 AND (1 = 2 OR 3 = 3) $q->join_on($t2, \3, '=', \3); ok $q->close_join_on_bracket($t2), 'Method DBIx::DBO::Query->close_join_on_bracket'; $q->order_by({ COL => $t1 ** 'name', ORDER => 'DESC' }); $q->limit(1, 3); SKIP: { $q->_sth or diag sql_err($q) or fail 'LEFT JOIN' or skip 'No Left Join', 3; $r = $q->fetch or fail 'LEFT JOIN' or skip 'No Left Join', 3; is_deeply [@$r[0..3]], [14, 'James Bond', undef, undef], 'LEFT JOIN'; is $r->_column_idx($t2 ** 'id'), 2, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Row->_column_idx'; is $r->value($t2 ** 'id'), undef, 'Method DBIx::DBO::Row->value'; # Update the LEFT JOINed row SKIP: { skip "Multi-table UPDATE is not supported by $dbd_name", 1 unless $can{multi_table_update}; ok $r->update($t1 ** 'name' => 'Vernon Wayne Lyon'), 'Method DBIx::DBO::Row->update' or diag sql_err($r); } } $q->finish; } sub todo_cleanup { my $sql = shift; unshift @_cleanup_sql, $sql; } sub cleanup { my $dbo = shift; note 'Doing cleanup'; for my $sql (@_cleanup_sql) { $dbo->do($sql) or diag sql_err($dbo); } $dbo->disconnect; ok !defined $dbo->{dbh} && !defined $dbo->{rdbh}, 'Method DBIx::DBO->disconnect'; } sub Dump { my($val, $var) = @_; if (blessed $val and !defined $var) { if ($val->isa('DBIx::DBO')) { $var = 'dbo'; } elsif ($val->isa('DBIx::DBO::Table')) { $var = 't'; } elsif ($val->isa('DBIx::DBO::Query')) { $var = 'q'; } elsif ($val->isa('DBIx::DBO::Row')) { $var = 'r'; } } $var = 'dump' unless defined $var; require Data::Dumper; local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 0; my $d = Data::Dumper->new([$val], [$var]); if (ref $val) { my %seen; my @_no_recursion = ($val); if (reftype $val eq 'ARRAY') { _Find_Seen(\%seen, \@_no_recursion, $_) for @$val } elsif (reftype $val eq 'HASH') { _Find_Seen(\%seen, \@_no_recursion, $_) for values %$val } elsif (reftype $val eq 'REF') { _Find_Seen(\%seen, \@_no_recursion, $$val) } $d->Seen(\%seen); } defined wantarray ? return $d->Dump : print $d->Dump; } sub _Find_Seen { my($seen, $_no_recursion, $val) = @_; return unless ref $val; for (@$_no_recursion) { return if $val == $_; } push @$_no_recursion, $val; if (blessed $val) { if ($val->isa('DBIx::DBO')) { $seen->{dbo} = $val; return; } elsif ($val->isa('DBIx::DBO::Table')) { my $t = 1; while (my($k, $v) = each %$seen) { next if $k !~ /^t\d+$/; return if $val == $v; $t++; } $seen->{"t$t"} = $val; return; } elsif ($val->isa('DBIx::DBO::Query')) { $seen->{q} = $val; return; } elsif ($val->isa('DBIx::DBO::Row')) { $seen->{r} = $val; return; } } if (reftype $val eq 'ARRAY') { _Find_Seen($seen, $_no_recursion, $_) for @$val } elsif (reftype $val eq 'HASH') { _Find_Seen($seen, $_no_recursion, $_) for values %$val } elsif (reftype $val eq 'REF') { _Find_Seen($seen, $_no_recursion, $$val) } } # When testing via Sponge, use fake tables package # Hide from PAUSE DBIx::DBO::DBD::Sponge; sub _get_table_schema { return; } my $fake_table_info = { PrimaryKeys => [], Columns => [ 'id', 'name', 'age' ], Column_Idx => { id => 1, name => 2, age => 3 }, }; sub _get_table_info { my($class, $me, $schema, $table) = @_; return $class->SUPER::_get_table_info($me, $schema, $table) if $table ne $Test::DBO::test_tbl; # Fake table info return $me->{TableInfo}{''}{$table} ||= $fake_table_info; } # Replace DBI::connect for testing via MySpongeDBI { no warnings 'redefine'; my $old_dbi_connect = \&DBI::connect; *DBI::connect = sub { return $old_dbi_connect->('MySpongeDBI', @_[1 .. $#_]) if $_[1] eq 'DBI:Sponge:'; goto &$old_dbi_connect; }; } # When testing via MySpongeDBI, fake table contents package # Hide from PAUSE MySpongeDBI::db; @MySpongeDBI::ISA = ('DBI'); @MySpongeDBI::db::ISA = ('DBI::db'); @MySpongeDBI::st::ISA = ('DBI::st'); my @cols; my @rows; sub setup { @cols = @{shift()}; @rows = @_; } sub prepare { my($dbh, $sql, $attr) = @_; $attr ||= {}; $attr->{NAME} ||= \@cols; $attr->{rows} ||= \@rows; $dbh->SUPER::prepare($sql, $attr); } 1;